Death with kitties. Always a favourite

On the slightly odd and magicaly enhanced Discworld, anthropomorphic personifications take on a life (or, in case of DEATH, an existence) of their own. Death is your classic seven-foot tall skeleton with pinpoints of blue fire in his eyesockets. He is not as most people make out the ruthless destroyer of people, plants and the occasional cow, but rather a timeserver who has all Eternity to serve.

He tries very hard to understand mortals, but this effort is largely negated by his utter lack of anything even remotely resembling a sense of incongruity or a sense of humour.

Possible Casting: Death from Bill & Ted, Death from Scrooged, Creature Effects by Stan Winston (did Aliens, Terminator and many others), Jim Hensons Creature Workshop or ILM.

A notable mention: 1st female Death: Wendie Malick (Nina Van Horn from "Just Shoot Me.")

Voice: James Earl Jones, Christopher Lee (voice for Dearh in the cartoons), Sean Connery, Tony Jay (voice of Megabyte in Reboot), Tom Baker, Gary Oldman, Tony Todd (Kurn from Star Trek DS9), John Clesse, Michael Crawford.

Death from Bill & Ted
Death From
Bill and Ted

James Earl Jones
James Earl

He *is* Dead People

The picture to the left was submitted by Jo Adell as a possible Death. Thanks Jo.

Hmmm, he might be a little too eerie, perhaps she's an earlier more primal Death but still worth a mention. She probably doesn't do movies though.

More from Jo: She (yes, SHE), does movies and leads a band of musical dancing corpses known as the Danse MAcabre in Northern California

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Discworld™ and all associated characters are Copyright © Terry Pratchett. All character sketches are Copyright © Paul Kidby from the books 'The Pratchett Portfolio", "Discworld's Ankh-Morpork City Watch Diary 1999" Please visit PJSM Prints for more merchendise and info about Paul Kidby. All other graphics are Internet Public Domain or created by The Bugarup University Students Guild © 2001.