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Other Discworld Sites WOSSNAME - Newsletter of the Klatchian Foreign Legion Discworld Monthly - English Discworld Newsletter (well, duh!) L-Space Web - Home of Discworldian affairs on the net. N.A.D.S. - North American Discworld Society (bad form to the fellow who thought otherwise!) Webbe Hosting and Antwidth lovingly donated by : Lujan |
BU BannerDo you have a web page which could do with a bit more colour? Want to get more hits on your page? Or just desperate to look more interesting? Then you need one of these!The Bugarup University Banner is the cure for all your woes![*] Just copy the following code and stick it on your web page somewhere. <a href="http://www.geocities.com/amazden"> <img src="http://www.geocities.com/amazden/bu_banner2.jpg" alt="Bugarup University" border=0> </a>Then send us an email telling us your name and the address of your website, and we'll add your site to our links page! *BU Banner may not cure all woes. |
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