BU Crest
Bugarup University
Not a Monkey
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The Roll of Honour
Any institution with a long and distinguished history will have a long and distinguished roll of past heads. As you would expect from XXXX then, we have but one past Arch Chancellor, and you can view his distinguished visage and read his archived address to students here.

The BU Casting Couch
Every year or two, someone comes up with rumours of a Discworld movie in the pipeline somewhere. Undeterred by the fact that these rumours have thus far proven false, the students at Bugarup University offer this exceptional resource of casting suggestions to anyone foolhardy enough to take on the task.

Carpe Cervisia
The Students at Bugarup University have been working together on a little story for your reading pleasure. It isn't finished yet, and now we think about it hasn't been added to for a while either. You know what they say about young people today and their attention spans.
Coming soon....
BU Student Surveys
BU Guide to XXXX
  • Guide to our Anthem
  • Last Continent Help
  • Guide to XXXX Wildlife

  • Chat with us! Come and visit us in the all new Uncommon Room for chat type activities.

    Got a web page? Link to us and we'll return the favour!