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The Great Pterry's Bio

terry.jpg Terry Pratchett is a British author of humorous fantasy books, science fiction, and young adult books (which are none the less devoured by his adult fans). He is most famous for his Discworld series of books which currently contains 23 Novels (with at least 2 more forthcoming), 3 Maps and a Companion (encyclopedia of the discworld), not to mention a quiz book, stage adaptations, audio-books, pottery figures and much much more...

Here is a short biography of Terry by Colin Smythe, his agent.

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While spending time on alt.fan.pratchett, Terry has said many things, some of which have been captured forever, here in part of the Pratchett Quote File.

And while at Warwick University, Terry also had things to say, also captured here.

What has Terry written? Here is a complete list of all his works, in the bibliography section. If you wish to contact Terry, his snail mail address is:

Terry Pratchett
c/o Colin Smythe
Colin Smythe Limited
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8XA.
(Colin can be reached by email at CPSmythe@aol.com).

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